Monday 22 October 2018


Freehand: Draw by hand without guiding instruments, measurement.

Line/Techinical drawing: It is a drawing made with the help of supplies. It is usually the kind of drawing used for architecture or enginer plans.

Compass: it is a tool of drawing circles and arcs and also for measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a hinge.

Protactor: an instruments for measuring or drawing angles or paper usually a flat semicircular transparent plastic sheet graduated in degrees.

Set squares (U.K) Triangles (U.S.A): They are two specials rulers with a triangle shape. One is called the 45º triangles (45º square, U.K) and the other the 30º/60º triangles. Both have 90º angle. So, they are used to draw certain angles and also to draw parallels lines.

Eraser (Rubber, U.K): Is an object such as a piece of rubber, used for deleting something.

Marker (Felt tip pen, U.K): A pen having a writing point made from pressed fibres.

Ruler: An instrument used to draw straight lines. Also called straight edge.

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