Friday 21 June 2019

Saturday 15 June 2019


SYMMETRY: It is a quality of some shapes which some of their parts are reflections of others.

SYMMETRY AXIS: It is a line which divides a shape into two symmetric halves. Symmetric points are on a perpendicular line to it.

REFLECTION SYMMETRY: It is a shapes quality which is formed by two halves facing each other with an axis or fold line in between as if both sides where a mirrror images of each other.

CENTRAL SYMMETRY: It is the reflection of an object through a point called the symmetry center. Symmetric pair of points are colinear with the center.


TEXTURE: it is the visual and tactile quality of the surfaces due to the material.

ARTIFICIAL TEXTURES: are those created by the human being manually or menically.

RUBBING TECHNIQUE: it consists on fractioning or rubbing a crayon.

 TACTILE TEXTURES: are those that can be perceived through the sense of the touch.

VISUAL TEXTURES: those which can only be perceived through the sense of sight.

NATURAL TEXTURES: those that can be found in nature.  

Thursday 13 June 2019


El críquet (del inglés cricket) es un deporte de bate y pelota, en el que se enfrentan dos equipos de once jugadores cada uno. Se juega en un campo de hierba, más o menos ovalado (elíptico), cuya extensión no debe ser inferior a la de uno de fútbol.

Monday 10 June 2019


  • He was born in South Africa 
  • He came to Britain when he was 4 years old 
  • Tolkien studied at Oxford university 
  • He loved studying languages and writing
  • Tolkien was marked and he has 4 children
  • Tolkien worked at the university 
  • He lived in five different houses during his life in oxford 
  • Tolkien wrote about strange characters and scary animals 
  • He didn’t like being famous 
  • Tolkien died in 1973

The color wheel


WARM RANGE: it is a scale of colour that has el it her more yellow, ,ore agent or both in its mixture. They express warmth, energy youth ness or proximity.

COLD RANGE: it is a scale of colours that has more cían or blue in its mixture that any other colour. They are set on one side of the wall and trasmit the temperature sensation of coldness and distances.

GREY SCALE: It is a set of colours wich only has any color between black and white, it co

COMPLEMENTARY COLOR:are pairs of colour which are located one in front of each other on the colour wheel.ntains a scale of greys.

COLOR: it´s a basic element of visual language. It´s is a light impression that arrives to the eyes which send the information to the brain.

PIGMENT: it´s a sustant that make the materials for paint, it can be mineral, natural or artificial.


HUE: also called tone or tint. It´s the name of the color defined by its wave.

SATURATION: degree of purity of a color. If acolor is very saturated it means that is very pure and doesn't have many color mix.

VALUE: sometimes called brightness or luminosity. it is the amount of black or white that a color has in its mix.